Pelatihan up-grading produk dan kemasan pathilo oleh tim dosen Fakultas Teknik UNY di Kapanewon Tanjungsari, Gunungkidul

Kapanewon Tanjungsari is one of the kapanewon in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region Province. One of the agricultural crops in Kapanewon Tanjungsari is cassava or cassava. The area of cassava crops in Kapanewon Tanjungsari in 2020 amounted to 2,300 hectares or 5.24% of the total cassava crop area in Gunungkidul Regency (43,855 hectares). The average cassava production reaches 170-200 quintals per hectare( This cassava is processed by the local community into various products such as cassava, tiwul, mocaf, cassava flour, pathilo, krecek, and so on.

To support the tourism sector and the economy in Kapanewon Tanjungsari, it is necessary to develop specialty food products using local agricultural raw materials. One of the typical food products from Kapanewon Tanjungsari that uses cassava as raw material is pathilo. Pathilo is a typical Gunung Kidul snack that is similar to glutinous rice rengginang, but made from cassava, round in shape, white in color, savory, crispy, and savory after frying. The process of making pathilo starts with the cassava being peeled and washed, then grated and squeezed. The grated cassava pulp is then matured for 3 days and the resulting cassava starch is sun-dried until dry. Next, the cassava pulp and starch are mixed again and seasoned with garlic and salt, then steamed. After that, it is molded with a pathilo molding tool and arranged on a baking sheet, steamed for 10 minutes, and dried in the sun until dry (about 1-3 days). The dried pathillos are packed in plastic bags. The processed products are sold in the form of pathilo that is still raw, aka not fried, at a price of IDR 20,000 per kg.

The Banjar Mawar Women Farmers Group (KWT) is a group of pathilo-making women in Dukuh Keruk III, Banjarejo, Kapanewon Tanjungsari. The problems faced by KWT Banjar Mawar include: 1) production aspects: the quality of raw materials fluctuates, there is no standard pathilo production process, and has not applied good food production methods; 2) product aspects: the size and volume of pathilo varies and is too large, the nutritional composition of pathilo is dominated by carbohydrates, has not included nutritional value information, packaging and labeling are still simple and not in accordance with BPOM regulations; 3) marketing and human resources (HR) aspects: marketing is still limited, does not have the knowledge and skills to apply appropriate technology in pathilo production and packaging, sanitary hygiene, business management, and marketing (digital marketing).

To overcome the pathilo problem in KWT Banjar Mawar, a team of lecturers from the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University, consisting of Dr. Nani Ratnaningsih, S.T.P., M.P., Dr. Ir. Mujiyono, S.T., M.T., W.Eng., IPU, Prof. Dr. Dra. Marwanti, M.Pd., and Titin Hera Widi Handayani, S.Pd., M.Pd. provided solutions in the form of assistance to improve and standardize the pathilo production process, good food production methods, and improve the shape and size of pathilo. Problems in the product aspect were overcome by testing the nutritional composition of pathilo with proximate analysis, adding pathilo variants with fish and seaweed ingredients, and improving packaging and labeling in accordance with BPOM regulations. Problems in marketing and human resources were overcome by applying appropriate technology for pathilo production and packaging, sanitation hygiene, and business management. This mentoring activity was assisted by Luthfiyyah Ariana (Catering Education student) and Lutfi Achyar (Mechanical Engineering Education student).

The pathilo product and packaging up-grading training at KWT Banjar Mawar was conducted during July-November 2023 at Mrs. Pani's house which was attended by 15 members of KWT Banjar Mawar. Training activities were carried out 8 times which began with a discussion with Mrs. Ngatini as the head of KWT Banjar Mawar so that solutions were formulated to overcome partner problems including: 1) production aspect: preparation of standard operational procedures (SOP) for the pathilo production process; 2) product aspect: making nutritious pathilo variants with fish and seaweed ingredients, testing the nutritional composition of pathilo with proximate analysis, and improving packaging and labeling in accordance with BPOM regulations; and 3) marketing and human resource aspects: increasing knowledge and skills in appropriate technology for pathilo production and packaging, sanitary hygiene, and business management.

The results of this PkM activity include: 1) standard operational procedures (SOP) for the pathilo production process, 2) a round-shaped pathilo molding tool (2 cm diameter) made of glass fiber, 3) more nutritious pathilo variants using tilapia meat and Ulva lactuca seaweed, 4) more attractive pathilo packaging that complies with BPOM regulations, and 5) increased knowledge and skills of appropriate technology for pathilo production and packaging. In addition, scientific articles were produced in accredited national journals, videos of activities uploaded on YouTube on the Boga UNY account, and animplementation of agreement between KWT Banjar Mawar and the Faculty of Engineering UNY. Raw pathilo packaging uses polyethylene plastic bags (0.7 cm thickness), while cooked pathilo uses aluminum foil standing pouches equipped with zippers and sealed and labeled in accordance with the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) Regulation Number 26 of 2021 so that it becomes more attractive to consumers.

This PKM activity can improve the branding of pathilo which is more nutritious based on local food (cassava, tilapia, and Ulva lactuca seaweed), empower farmer women's groups, and expand the market share of pathilo to generation Z consumers. In addition, it can also support the achievement of the Main Performance Indicators (KPI) of Yogyakarta State University, especially KPI 2, KPI 3, and KPI 5. This PKM activity is related to KPI 2 because students are involved in PKM activities, namely the preparation of pathilo production SOPs, design of pathilo printing equipment, making pathilo variants with tilapia and Ulva lactuca seaweed substitutions, and making packaging and labeling designs. Related to KPI 3, this PKM activity involves lecturers who carry out the tridharma of higher education in the form of community service outside the campus according to their competence. Furthermore, it is related to KPI 5 because the work of lecturers and students can be used directly by the community, namely members of KWT Banjar Mawar.